5th Karlsruhe Service Summit, February 27th, 2015

Thank you very much for the inspiring Service Summit in February 2015!
For the 5th time Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) invited international stakeholders from industry and science to the Service Summit in karlsruhe in the end of February 2015. Hosting 180 guests the Summit reached its biggest audience so far and offered a diversified program focusing on "Service Transformation".
Stakeholders from EnBW, Bosch and ABB talked about current changes in different industrial branches, challenges adjusting services and cooperation between research and practice.
From the perspective of utility company EnBW Alexander Neuhaus gave an overview of how quickly the energy market changes with the introduciton of new services.
Prof. Andy Neely is director of the Cambridge Service Alliance at Cambridge University and cooperates with researchers at KSRI, continuously. In his keynote speach he talked about current research around the globe and the industry's demand for services as well as challenges in adapting existing services.
Mat Schubert from Robert Bosch GmbH reported on joint efforts by the automobile industry and its suppliers referring to Industry 4.0. With the headline „Mobility Services: A Multi-Trillion Market“ he gave an overview of various established and newly developing services in the mobility sector.
From the energy- and automation technology company ABB Dr. Christopher Ganz talked about how much effort is put into researching and implementing new services. With examples from ABB's own facilities he highlighted how the company adapts and advances new services on site.
In addition to the keaynote speeches KSRI and its partners from KIT and FZI as well as industrial partners presented its current research efforts. Together with the eight participating students Prof. Gerhard Satzger introduced the prosperous Service Design Thinking program. Visitors of the Summit were invited to test prototypes and get an impression of the student teams' work. Our scientific staff presented their current research with short 90 second teaser presentations and afterwards attended a detailed discussion with Summit guests in a poster exhibition.
On the previous day a workshop for PhD students was held from which a volume of proceedings has been published. This bvolume may be downloaded from the Service Summit page. KSRI and its staff would like to give a warm thank you to everyone involved for the stunning participation and we are looking forward to the 6th Service Summit in 2016.
Fotos by Eva Dennig Fotodesign.