Call for Short Paper - KSS Research Workshop 2016

For KSRI’s second Service Summit Research Workshop, we invite submissions of theoretical and/or empirical research dealing with one or several of the subsequent four workshop’s pillars. Of particular interest are submissions related to the significant topics energy, mobility, health care, participation, social collaboration, crowdfunding, and smart services used in an increasingly digitized world.
We especially encourage submissions with an integrative perspective. All submitted short papers will be blind peer reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. The selected submissions will be published in post workshop proceedings of the KSS 2016. Additionally, we consider eligible papers to be extended for submission to Service Science, an INFORMS journal.
A complete PDF version of the Call for Paper is available here.
Submission Process
2015-11-25 Paper Submission
2015-12-21 Notification of Acceptance
2016-01-18 Final Paper Submission and Authors’ Registration
2016-02-25/26 Workshop Date
Short papers up to 6 pages - excluding references (LaTeX template / Word template)
Please submit via easyChair
Energy and Mobility Services
The energy sector continues to undergo substantial structural changes. Currently, the expanding usage of renewable energy sources (RES), the decentralization of energy supply and the market penetration of electric vehicles have a significant impact on the future development of services in energy and mobility. In the energy sector, for instance, the share of self-generated electricity in the overall electricity demand steadily increases. Consequently, utilities are transforming their business models from pure delivery of energy to tangible (energy) service providers. While services for the energy sector were traditionally considered technical affordances (e.g., ancillary services), the recent increase in “prosumption” shows that the need for a set of tangible, non-technical services in the energy retail market, taking consumer engagement into consideration, is no longer an issue of future services, but current reality. Moreover, the increasing volatility and uncertainty of power supply lead to a rising demand for flexibility, which cannot be provided by the conventional supply side alone. Services focusing on the demand side such as appropriate incentives (e.g. electricity tariffs), market designs, and service level concepts need to be developed and introduced. This requires new services in electricity retail markets, innovative marketing and comprehensive acceptance research and the investigation of future business models. Moreover, the concept of service quality needs to be adapted to these developments and appropriate service level indicators need to be developed. Electric vehicles might be a part of this concept. Furthermore, mobility and other services are required in order to simplify the market run-up and user acceptance of EV. This pillar therefore seeks contributions enhancing the understanding of the future role of services in energy economics and e-mobility. Moreover, presentations and papers addressing the appropriate use of decision support methods in different phases of service innovation and marketing in these domains are welcome.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Service innovation, marketing and evaluation in energy economics and e-mobility
- Service level engineering in electricity retail markets
- Services for mobility 2.0
- The role of smart grids and smart markets to foster demand-side flexibility
- User acceptance analysis of new tariffs (e.g. curtailable load or dynamic pricing) or new technologies (e.g. e-mobility)
- Design and evaluation of business models in energy and mobility markets
Healthcare Services
Demographic changes cause higher patient demands alongside severe cost pressure and increasing quality requirements. Therefore, more efficient healthcare services and logistics are desirable. Even though underlying planning problems in the area of Operations Research resemble the ones from other service or manufacturing industries (e.g., scheduling of different tasks, processes or appointments) healthcare services are especially challenging, because patients need different care than, for example, parts of cars. In addition, particularly interdisciplinary approaches are necessary for research on and improvement of healthcare services. Since Information Systems have high potentials for improving efficiency, they also play an important role.
For this track, practitioner submissions are explicitly encouraged in order to enable fruitful discussions on current challenges and possible solutions.
Relevant topics or case studies include, but are not limited to:
- Operations Research for Healthcare Services, e.g. Appointment Planning, Ambulance Planning / EMS Planning, Home Healthcare Planning, Long-term Care Planning
- Hospital Logistics
- Health Services Research
- Hospital Information Systems and Telemedicine Systems
Participation & Crowd Services
Today, crowd-based and participatory approaches are playing an increasingly important role in tackling innovative endeavors. Thus, platforms in the areas of open innovation, crowdfunding, participatory budgeting, crowdsourcing, idea markets are used by a broad set of organizations to facilitate innovation processes and enhance engagement of people who effected by their outcomes. Governmental organizations involve citizens, companies their wider staff, others engage parties from outside of their organization in strategic, direction setting activities. The employed approaches contribute to the generation, conceptualization, evaluation, funding, implementation, and increased acceptance of related projects. However, there is a lack of interdisciplinary research for understanding cognitive and collaborative processes that underpin these platforms, design options for approaches and their appropriateness for different settings and goals.
This track aims to shed light on the understanding and design of participatory and crowd-based approaches in the area of innovative endeavors. For this workshop we welcome research-in-progress papers and papers outlining research designs including early indicative results.
Relevant topics or case studies include, but are not limited to:
- Crowd Services: Crowdfunding, Crowdwork, Crowdsourcing, Strategy Crowdsourcing, Participatory Budgeting, Idea Markets
- Open Innovation
- Disentangling and understanding participant and facilitator behavior
- Analyzing social interaction and social network structures
- Design of Crowd Services and related platform concepts
- Metrics of quality and assessment
- Boundaries and limitations of crowd services
Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things
Market competitiveness as well as new technology developments raise the need for constantly reshaping and improving the organizational, controlling and manufacturing aspects of the lifecycle of products and services. Production industries are increasingly characterized by individualized customer needs shaping not only the final result but also the actual design, development, manufacturing and delivery process steps, as well as the associated business models. Furthermore, flexibility, customization and the need to be able to support real-time scenarios are crucial in order to be able to keep up to date with current developments. These requirements aim to be addressed by Industry 4.0 – a vision of tomorrow's manufacturing, where in intelligent factories, machines and products communicate with each other, cooperatively driving production.
Key technological pillars for realizing Industry 4.0 are cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Services, which together facilitate the vision of the Smart Factories. Cyber-physical systems represent, control and monitor the actual physical processes, by creating a virtual copy of the physical world and making decentralized autonomous decisions. Facilitated by the Internet of Things, which refers to a worldwide network of interconnected heterogeneous objects that are uniquely addressable and are based on standard communication protocols, these intelligent autonomous systems are able to communicate with each other and with humans in real time. Furthermore, via the Internet of Services, both internal and cross-organizational services are offered and utilized by participants of the value chain. Finally, in the current era of digitalization, such scenarios are unthinkable without the utilization of Big Data technologies, where large data sets provided by the interconnected objects can be stored, managed and analyzed with scalable methods. Naturally, the employment of these technologies is associated with the need to evolve and develop new adequate business models.
This tracks aims on discussing advantages of particular technologies, value creation and business models for platform providers, application developers, end-users, large and small organizations, and manufacturers in the context of product and service offering.
Relevant topics or case studies include, but are not limited to:
- Self-organizing and autonomous systems
- Design and development of Industry 4.0 platforms
- Supporting solutions for customized products
- Monitoring and Smart Data Analytics for Industry 4.0
- Flexible and scalable data management and integration
- Real-time data integration and processing
- Sensor data processing and integration
- Semantic Web technologies for Industry 4.0 and IoT
- Marketplaces for offering IoT-based applications and services
- Data-centric business models
- Application and use case deployment success stories