Karlsruhe Service Summit | Research Workshop

Program - KSS Research Workshop 2016

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The second Karlsruhe Service Summit Resaerch Workshop will take place at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute/KIT February 25th-26th, 2016.



Research Workshop Program


Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 (special event)

IBM Bluemix-Bootcamp with hands-on sessions and tech talks at the IBM Lab in Boeblingen. A tour at the IBM museum as well as a after work buffet is part of the excursion.
 14:00 Departure at KIT campus south via bus to the IBM Lab Boeblingen
 15:30 Welcome, short intro and talk about the young history of IoT, IBM BlueMix, IBM Watson and further perspectives
 16:00 Hands-on workshop on IBM BlueMix - participants will be enabled to build their own apps in the domain of IoT and IBM Watson.
 18:00 Guided tour at the IBM museum
 19:00 Get together and buffet
Return trip to Karlsruhe.


Thursday, February 25th, 2016

10:45 Welcome
Key note on Service Research Priorities in a Rapidly Changing Context (Lia Patrício)
Parallel Tutorial Sessions 1
  • Understanding human emotions and social interaction through the lens of computational social science (David Garcia)
  • How to prototype innovative apps and services using cloud platforms like IBM Bluemix (Robert Kern)

Parallel Paper Sessions 1

Paper Session 1.A (Chair: Wolf Fichtner) "Energy and Mobility Services"

  • Dauer, vom Scheidt and Weinhardt: Towards Smart Distribution Grids: A Structured Market Engineering Review
  • Lauven and Schmidt: Comparing flexibility options on the supply and demand side of the German electricity market
  • Wiechmann: The EnBW Pilot Project „Flexible Power-to-Heat“

 Paper Session 1.B (Chair: Alexander Mädche) "Dissertation Proposals"

  • Stryja and Dorner: Decision Design as Key for Electric Car Adoption - a Research Agenda
  • Höckmayr: Enabling companies to make use of industrial clouds - Foundations for Evidence-Based Engineering of Service Systems

Paper Session 1.C (Chair: Rudi Studer) "Smart Services and Internet of Things"

  • Zander and Hua: Utilizing Ontological Classification Systems and Reasoning for Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Terdjimi, Médini and Mrissa: Towards a Meta-model for Context in the Web of Things
  • Daiberl, Roth and Möslein: On the Way to Perceived Service Interaction Productivity: A Proposed Conceptual Model

Coffee break (to go) 
Transportation to the social event by tram is organized. Walking distance from KIT campus is about 45 minutes through the city center.


Social Event and dinner at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media (more information)


Friday, February 26th, 2016

Key note on Crowd and Participation "Education as a Service" (Markus Krause) 
09:45 Parallel Tutorial Sessions 2
  • Discrete-Event Simulation (Sven Spieckermann)
  • Medicine & Semantic Web (Maria Maleshkova)
Coffee Break
"Meet the editors" - panel discussion on how to publish successfully
  • Markus Krause (Human Computation)
  • Werner Kunz (Journal of Service Management)
  • Stefan Nickel (Operations Research for Health Care)
  • Lia Patrício (Journal of Service Research - Special Issue)
  • Francisco Saldanha da Gama (Computers & Operations Research)

Parallel Paper Sessions 2

 Paper Session 2.A (Chair: Stefan Nickel) "Healthcare Services"

  • Epp, Pagani, Stoll, Scherer, Rohlehr and Furmans: Performance evaluation of closed-loop logistics systems with generally distributed service times
  • Husmann and Kolz: Healthcare platform RhePort.de enables smart digital services for a better rheumatological care
  • Cui, Kiradjiev and Kunze von Bischhoffshausen: Designing and evaluating Machine Learning Ap-proach for background segmentation of 3-D Image Volume of Brain Tissue

Paper Session 2.B (Chair: Markus Krause) "Participation & Crowd Services"

  • Hellmanns, Niemeyer, Hall, Zentek and Weinhardt: Towards a Requirement Framework for Online Participation Platforms
  • Niemeyer, Wagenknecht and Weinhardt: Emotions in Participatory Budgeting

Paper Session 2.C (Chair: Maria Maleshkova) "Smart Services and Internet of Things"

  • Newiadomsky and Tietze: Requirements on a Service Tool to Foster Demand-Side-Management Under Changing Climate Conditions
  • Schuetze: Sourcing Strategies for Virtualized Services: An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Risk-based Approach
  • Weller and Maleshkova: Towards a Process Meta-Model
Coffee Break

Parallel Paper Sessions 3

 Paper Session 3.A (Chair: Stefan Nickel) "Healthcare Services"

  • Gartner and Padman: Length of Stay Outlier Detection through Cluster Analysis: A Case Study in Pediatrics
  • Zander: Modeling Indirect Waiting Times with a M/D/1/K/N Queue
  • Reuter-Oppermann and Bernath: German data sets for comparing ambulance location models

Paper Session 3.B (Chair: Margeret Hall) "Participation & Crowd Services"

  • Straub, Hawlitschek and Weinhardt: Towards a Guideline for Conducting Economic Experiments on Amazon's Mechanical Turk
  • Kloker, Kranz, Straub and Weinhardt: Shouldn't Collaboration be social? - Proposal of a social Real Time Delphi

Paper Session 3.C (Chair: Gerhard Satzger) "Energy and Mobility Services"

  • Ensslen, Gnann, Globisch, Plötz, Jochem and Fichtner: Willingness to Pay for E-Mobility Services: A Case Study from Germany
  • Meisel and Merfeld: Efficient use of Renewable Energy with Storage and E-Mobility Service
  • Engel, Haude and Kuehl: Business Model Clustering: A network-based approach in the field of e-mobility services
Awards and wrap up
optional (informal) dinner, downtown Karlsruhe